It's MONDAAYY!! - Hope you all had a great weekend.
Our new CQB field has been a big hit with the NO FPS Limit. Who has come along to one of our pistol nights?
On Insta this week we saw the Shark Full Auto GBB Gel Blaster, Our Competition with Gilly, giving away the hydro dipped SKD Auto Glock 18, Our To face mask or not to face mask? We also had our 'Pistol Only Night', and not forgetting our awesome Jinji CQB SLR in Tan. Don't forget we also had our EOFY sale 20% OFF, along with our Tac edge boots in 4 different colours, The very smooth looking Phantom Extremis MK1 & our true CQB version of our AK series.
On Facebook we had 'Testing out the new APS XTP GBB' video, Our community announcement about the New Baba Yaga, the new shotguns, the Hi Capa, Nemesis X9, Demolition ranch UDR, the new New Novesk being released soon, Kublai K4 coming soon, and the production of the MP5. Not forgetting the Bumblebee (which we are finding a solution for). On Youtube: We had our tech talk about the new GBB Pistol maintenance. (Don't forget to have a look at this video if you have purchased on of our Co2 pistols).